Editor's column

Is Africa still in the lead? - 30 Jun 2014

By Ilse van den Berg, @Biz_Africa

Is Africa still in the lead? - Mon, 30 Jun 2014Is Africa still leading the global mobile payments innovation race? Howard Moodycliffe reckons Africa has lost some ground...

Michael Wood states that developing markets develop better global business leaders and Adelaide Potgieter thinks that big ideas have a bigger role than ever.

In other news over the past week: The 2014 Burson-Marsteller Twiplomacy study shows that Uganda's Prime Minister, Amama Mbabazi, is the most conversational politician on Twitter. The Superbrands Tribute Event recognised 86 top brands in East Africa and the DHL Global E-Tailing 2025* study shows that online retail is gaining traction in sub-Saharan Africa.

Last but not least, entries for the Loeries Effective Creativity Award is open until 31 July, so if you haven't entered yet, do so asap!

Have a great week!

Ilse van den Berg, Editor: Marketing & Media Africa (@Biz_Africa)

PS. If you missed last week's Biz Takeouts show, listen to the podcast which is now available.

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