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ESG Africa Conference Press Office
Empowering Leaders in Africa to Drive a more Sustainable Future
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Leveraging technology and innovation to address climate change risks
Climate change continues to bring about devastating consequences for people, governments, and businesses alike. Extreme weather events, rising sea levels, and temperature changes can cause significant financial losses and widespread human suffering. 20 Jul 2023 Read more

ESG Africa Conference: Unlocking sustainable growth for Africa's future
The highly anticipated second edition of the ESG Africa Conference is scheduled to take place from the 4-5 October 2023, at the Sandton Convention Centre. This groundbreaking event aims to explore how environmental, social, and governance (ESG) principles can drive sustainable growth and development throughout the African continent. With an impressive lineup of renowned speakers, engaging panel discussions, and networking opportunities, the conference promises to be a crucial gathering for industry leaders, policymakers, investors, and anyone passionate about Africa's future. 23 May 2023 Read more

The importance of integrated ESG processes
Welcome to the world of ESG - where everything is connected, complex, and constantly evolving! In fact, the recent Oscar-winning movie Everything Everywhere all at Once offers a great analogy for understanding the importance of an integrated approach to ESG. 18 Apr 2023 Read more