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about us

Next Generation focuses primarily on social innovation to address pressing economic, social and environmental challenges, while contributing to the success of business, the environment and the affected communities. The company aims to create shared value - that can be measured comprehensively - for all stakeholders.

Our expertise helps clients create social impact in investment and development portfolios. Our groundbreaking work in the field of measuring impact and return on investment, the Investment Impact IndexTM, is widely recognised as pioneering the development and humanitarian aid sectors in Africa.

As an opinion and thoughtleader in social innovation, Next Generation's director, Reana Rossouw, believes in intentional learning and continuous improvement. Her contribution to the development of the sector takes the form of tailored onsite training and master classes that provide practitioners with insight into the complexities of CSI as well as practical tools to do the work effectively. Reana is a member of the Institute of Directors (accredited fellow) and the Global Reporting Initiative (accredited trainer).

The Next Generation offering:

  • Advisory and consulting services

    • Social innovation strategies

    • Investment strategies (social and impact)

    • Circular economy strategies

    • Shared value strategies

    • Social capital strategies

    • Social enterprise and entrepreneurship strategies

    • Management strategies (human rights and stakeholder)

  • Research and development services

    • Research and industry research

    • Reviews, opinions, sector comparative research and benchmarking

    • Baseline studies and due diligence

    • Surveys (socio-economic and perception)

    • Assessments (social impact, opportunity and management assessments)

    • Development services (performance measurement processes)

  • Impact and return on investment assessments

  • Capacity development and training

Next Generation is proud of (and humbled by) the recognition over the past years for the consultancy's contributions:

  • 2017: Nominated for the South African Business Awards by Global Media

  • 2016: Nominated for the Global Women Leadership Achievement Awards in India

  • 2007-2015: Nominated for Best South African Company SMME Awards by the African Growth Institute

  • 2014 and 2015: Nominated for Most Empowered South African Companies by Topco

Next Generation is a member of:

  • AMRA, the Africa Market Research Association

  • SAMRA, the Southern African Market Research Association

  • SAMEA, the South African Monitoring and Evaluation Association