Wonderboom promoted via social marketing

The South African rock group Wonderboom have decided to utilise inbound marketing in order to promote their new album, "Automatic Shuffle".
Wonderboom promoted via social marketing

"For many years we relied on the tried-and-tested marketing networks created by record companies. These networks depend on so many variables and reaching your audience is never simple," said Cito, Wonderboom front man.

"For "Automatic Shuffle", we decided to take cognisance of the changes in the music industry and to take charge by promoting the album ourselves," he continued.

The band approached Medios Marketing Communications to explain the basic principles of inbound marketing, with a strong focus on social media as a promotional tool. The band will manage all social media accounts.

Music industry no stranger

The music industry is no stranger to social media platforms. Bands like Arctic Monkeys and OK Go went from being relatively unknown bands to world-famous international acts through viral campaigns. Wonderboom's approach differs from these campaigns because the band's campaign has its foundation in new marketing theory. According to Medios Marketing Communications, new marketing requires communication with the market rather than communicating at them.

"We are one of the last founding SA rock bands," said Martin Schofield, the band's lead guitarist. "Few people realise that we have been around for almost 15 years, with a discography of eight albums."

The band understands it is not a mass-market band, yet there is a section of almost every demographic to which their style and attitudes will appeal. Wonderboom is banking on these niches across the board.

Emerging fans

For Cito, the success in marketing the album lies with connecting not only with the band's current fan base, but also with its emerging fans.

"Wonderboom isn't the kind of band that adapts to the needs of a particular demographic. Instead, we will put ourselves out there, interact with whoever we appeal to and take it from there."

Wonderboom fans can find out more about Automatic Shuffle on www.wonderboom.co.za, interact with the band on Twitter at www.twitter.com/WONDERboomBand or join the band's Facebook page.

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