CNBC Africa commences mobile tv trial

CNBC Africa in partnership with MobileTV, have commenced trials on the Korean Digital Multimedia Broadcasting (DMB) technology.
CNBC Africa commences mobile tv trial

"We are hugely excited by this development as it has the potential to transform our viewer base across the continent," said Godfrey Mutizwa, CNBC Africa's chief editor.

"Taking our content to the hand-held is an important step in helping fulfil one of our core objectives - to educate Africa's young and growing population about markets and economics at the beginning of their careers while at the same time, reaching new audiences", Mutizwa said.

According to MobileTV's founder and chairman Dr Mothobi Mutloatse, the partnership with CNBC Africa represents an exceptional milestone in digital broadcasting on the African continent.

"Between the iconic pan African channel and the emerging home-grown broadcaster MobileTV, together we are charting a new path creatively", he said.

He further added, "This MobileTV-CNBC Africa partnership is one of a sign of great things to follow, once we complete our technical trials on the DMB/DAB, DAB+ platform, conducted successfully for the past 18 months. With CNBC Africa coming aboard the MobileTV Love Train, we can only say - watch this space as we break news at short intervals".

Speaking on the juncture, Rakesh Wahi, founder and vice chairman of the ABN Group said, "For CNBC Africa this is indeed a great opportunity as we move forward towards reaching more eye-balls on the continent. Content distribution is a key challenge in Africa and this partnership is one of many opportunities we are working on to distribute our content across the continent."

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