Lessons from brands doing it right - 5 Dec 2016

By Louise Marsland

This week we've carried a couple of stories with lessons from brands getting it right in various sectors, from innovation to corporate social responsibility. In 'How to build a culture of innovation', Katherine Madley from Alexander Forbes explains how to create an innovation culture from within to "improve" business. She hates the word "disrupt".
Alexander Forbes integrated innovation into organisational culture, surfacing innovators and innovative ideas through their approach, and coming up with market-ready new ideas, after a process of research and interrogation of the ideas.
Samsung say they have reinvented community engagement in order to get better results from corporate social responsibility. Samsung's Sthe Shabangu explains how Samsung learned from turbulence and took a strategic decision to transform its community engagement model to one of "corporate citizenship" across Africa. Their model also emphasises the importance of continual impact assessment.

Have a great week!
Louise Marsland
Africa Editor: Bizcommunity.com

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