Droppa teams up with Uber Direct to enhance logistics services

On-demand logistics service, Droppa has announced a strategic partnership with Uber Direct. Through this partnership, Droppa will leverage Uber Direct’s extensive network to enhance its fleet services.
Source: Drazen Zigic via
Source: Drazen Zigic via Freepik

This collaboration marks a significant milestone in Droppa's expansion strategy and underscores its commitment to delivering innovative solutions within South Africa's logistics and transportation sector.

Clients can now access Uber Direct via the Droppa platform, enabling same-day parcel deliveries within Uber's operational zones. This integration seamlessly combines the strengths of both companies, delivering unparalleled service efficiency and enhancing customer convenience.

"Our collaboration with Uber Direct marks the beginning of a transformative era for Droppa by combining our robust logistics framework with Uber’s expansive network, we are setting new benchmarks in the logistics industry, ensuring our customers receive reliable and seamless services," said Khathutshelo Mufamadi, CEO of Droppa.

This strategic collaboration underscores Droppa and Uber's shared vision of optimizing logistics solutions. Together, Droppa and Uber are paving the way for a future where logistics are not just efficient but also effortlessly accessible.

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