Gold Quill Awards 2009 kicks off

Entries for the African Quill Awards from the African region must be submitted on 27 January 2009. Winners of African Quill Awards are automatically submitted for the international Gold Quill Awards.

The panel of judges has been confirmed to judge the local communication capabilities in the 27 categories grouped in four divisions, namely: Communication Management, Communication Skills and Communication creative and Social Media.

The South African panel of judges will include; Dr Harry Dugmore, Lawrence Molai, Dr Reidwaan Wookay, Taryn van Olden (ABC), Daniel Manslow, Marilyn Watson, Mitch Ramsey, Janine Lazarus, Gustuv Puth, Corne Meintjes, Polly Modiko, Sedge Motau with moderators Peter Blum and Dr Amanda Hamilton Atwill (ABC).

"We think of Gold Quill as the Oscars of our industry - you get to feel the extravagance the glamour and the prestige of being among the best - with no doubt that it took hard work, a strong focus on results and unwavering commitment," says Mari Lee, South African winner of two Gold Quill awards in 2008.

On completion of the African judging, the IABC African Chapter will host an awards ceremony to reward the winners and celebrate the skill within the spectrum of African countries. The venue and final date for this event will be confirmed.

Successful entries submitted to the Gold Quill round will recieve recognition at the IABC Gold Quill Awards ceremony to be held in San Francisco on Monday, 8 June 2009.

The Gold Quill Awards have internationally rewarded the work of business communicators in all aspects for more than 35 years. The program is sponsored by the International Association of Business Communicators (IABC) and annually solicits the work from more than 16,000 communicators. The awards covers the corporate sector and government and non-profit communication.

Entry forms and other details are available on or contact Ilze on .

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