The most dangerous places to surf the web

Where in the world are you most likely to be hit by a malicious computer attack or virus? According to Internet security company AVG web surfers in Turkey, Russia, Armenia and Azerbaijan are the most likely to face threats while online.

At the other end of the scale, some of the world's safest surfers can be found in Japan and Taiwan, while seven of the 10 safest countries in which to surf the Internet are in Africa. As a continent, South America was "safest", and North America riskiest. Globally your chances of being attacked while online on any given day are 1 in 73.

The data taken from 144 countries, involving more than 100-million PCs, enabled AVG to look at the incidence of security threats that its software had to deal with in the last week of July. From these figures, AVG came out with an average for attacks per user per country.

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