Unemployment fears for Europe's workers

BERLIN, GERMANY: Europeans worry more about unemployment than any other social or economic problem, such as inflation, rising rents or crime, according to a 12-country survey published in Germany on Tuesday (9 July).
Unemployment fears for Europe's workers

The fear of being jobless rose in seven countries on the crisis-hit continent and was the top concern for 72% of Spanish respondents, 69 % of French and 32% of Germans.

Overall, Germans were the most prone to worry, while Irish and Swedes were the most carefree, according to the study by non-profit market research group GfK.

Every year the group asks respondents to freely answer the question "What, in your opinion, is the most pressing problem that needs to be resolved" in their country.

Europe-wide the top ten problems, after unemployment were inflation, economic stability, the health system, rents and housing, governance, pensions, education, corruption and crime.

Environmental challenges such as climate change or security issues such as the threat of terrorism did not make the top ten of the "Challenges of Europe 2013" survey.

On average, respondents named two problems, while Germans came up with an average of 2.5 problems, making them Europe's top worriers. Swedes and Irish named just 1.2 concerns on average.

Unemployment was the top worry for 37% overall and in all countries except the Netherlands, where the biggest concern was economic stability, and Russia, where people most worried about inflation.

Corruption made it into the top ten perceived problems for the first time, largely because 27% of Spanish respondent named it as a concern amid a government graft scandal.

For the survey, a total of 13,300 people were interviewed in Austria, Belgium, Britain, France, Germany, Italy, the Netherlands, Poland, Russia, Spain and Sweden and, for the first time, Ireland.

Source: AFP via I-Net Bridge

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