Mugabe moves on foreign-owned businesses, ad agencies

NEWSWATCH: Just what investors need... Mugabe's government in Zimbabwe has given foreign shops just 30 days... to close up shop. Affected businesses include advertising agencies.
Image source: Wikipedia
Image source: Wikipedia

For more:

  • Al Jazeera: Zimbabwe gives foreign shops 30-day ultimatum... according to the Al Jazeera report, "the official overseeing 'economic empowerment' has told the parliamentary committee that foreigners in informal sector must quit."

    We know... It doesn't make sense to use either, but it may well do so to potential investors... Informal today, formal tomorrow.

    The Indigenisation and Economic Empowerment Act, reports Al Jazeera, "also lists agriculture, transportation, estate agencies, tobacco grading and packaging, advertising agencies, milk processing and provision of local arts and crafts as reserved sectors of the economy."

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