Ex-CEO Sedibe sues Safa for R5m

Former SA Football Association CEO Lesley Sedibe is suing the association for R5-million for defamation. The summons is said to have been served on Friday.
Ex-CEO Sedibe sues Safa for R5m
© Luis Louro – 123RF.com

In March, Fifa banned Sedibe for five years for allegedly fixing Bafana Bafana's friendlies ahead of the 2010 World Cup.

In court papers, Sedibe is demanding R2.5-million from Safa CEO Dennis Mumble and R2.5-million from former Safa employee Lindile "Ace" Kika.

He claims that in March 2012 Mumble, then Bafana team manager, told Fifa members that he was unable to meet Sedibe during the World Cup but met a Football 4U representative.

Sedibe's lawyers say Mumble's comments implied that Sedibe was "derelict in his duties as CEO" and was "corrupt, dishonest and deceitful". Kika is being sued for allegedly claiming that Sedibe ignored his warning about Football 4U.

Safa said neither it nor Mumble had received a summons.

- Additional reporting by Sabelo Skiti

Source: The Times via I-Net Bridge

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