Huggies lends a helping hand

Starting during the Festive Season and moving into 2012 Huggies set out to help the caregivers of South Africa by donating Huggies stock to them for the children in their homes.

Huggies® salutes the caregivers at the many homes and charities across South Africa. Their nurturing makes the world of difference to a child who may not have a mother or father. Faced with many difficulties, these caregivers give their time and love, making the world a better and safer place for these little ones. Understanding that this selflessness is often accompanied by the challenge of the lack of sufficient supplies, Huggies® is reaching out to these communities, lending a helping hand by providing much needed nappies to the various organisations.

Huggies® has already given a total of 928 Huggies® cases, approximately 2784 packets of nappies and nearly 334 080 individual nappies and; counting, in different sizes to charities in Kwa-Zulua Natal, the Eastern Cape and Gauteng. Some of the organisations include Gift of the Givers, Rahima Moosa Hospital, WESSA, Vistarus, Takalani Home, to name a few.

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